About Me

sitting on shop cart

As you may have guessed, I like projects.  All kinds of projects except electrical and plumbing….I leave that for my husband or the professionals.  But whether it be tiling, dry walling, installing a brick sidewalk or planting a garden, I love it all.  But my favorite projects deal with wood.  I’d consider myself an intermediate woodworker now.  In the beginning, I felt like everything I touched turned to gold!!  The results were good enough for it to be addicting and I stayed with it…creating, making, and utilizing the things I build gives me a tremendous amount of satisfaction.

I graduated from the University of Michigan in Computer Engineering.  For 12 years, my day job was working at a great company on airplane software.  When my third child was born, my first child was in school so it was necessary to either get some after-school care or stay home.  We chose the latter and it has been an amazing journey.  I get to spend time with my kids that I can never get back!  It has also opened up areas of time that I can devote more to my woodworking which has made me grow quickly and want to help others grow as well.  There is a lot of growing going on here!

After we bought our house, all of my projects helped make my home better and my home is the place where I get to lay my head, where I watch my kids grow, and where I intend to spend the rest of my life (barring winning the lottery).  My home has been the instigator behind this developing “hobby”, although sometimes it seems like more of an affair trying to juggle it all.  But it makes me happy, and isn’t that the whole point?



One thought on “About Me

  1. Very cool Blog page. I’ll email you some pics of our kitchen you finished as soon as we grout. I’m so very proud of you!!!!!!


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